Chris and Nunung - more farewells than Dame Nelly Melba?

09/07/2012 13:03

Chris & Nunung played hosts to a select band of reprobates at Maddogs, Saturday last, 6 July. Chris and 'Nung' are off to live in Bali, which will be good for 'Nung' but Chris will be commuting between Bali, Balikpapan and Jakarta.

Good luck to you both and Chris, keep on ducking!



                   Chris & Nung share an intimate moment                  John Daiquiri engaged in his favourite  pasttime 



   The Kitchen staff -  good tucker!                     Chris & Arvid (left)

The band - too loud too early?                                Chris surrounded by well-wishers               




        Deep in conversation ............                                         Mrs Baldy with Russ McLaine and John Moore

 Its hard to keep him away from the microphone.......          Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking.........



              Who is the cracker in the front?                             Yati & Arvid with staff farewell Chris & Nung (right)


     Arvid  -  ready to ring the bell?                                                Geoff Thompson and family

      "Did you hear the one about.........."                       Who was that ....................?